Fighting stigma
Учасник: Sasquatch Digital
Країна: Україна
Блок/Конкурс/Категорія: E. SMM / E15. Креативна стратегія у соцмережах
Нагорода: Shortlist
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Essity (Libresse)
Рік: 2023
Креативна команда:
Art Director — Alya Kolosok Designers — Juliya Datsko & Anna Shtykova SMM Head — Mariya Raicheva SMM Manager — Olena Feshchuk Head of Copyright — Natalya Skorykova Copywriter — Galyna Nestryga Proofreader — Natalya Banduk Client Service Director — Anna Kompaniets Account Manager — Oryna Kozyrieva Community Manager — Anastasіya Pylypchuk
Креативна ідея:
Libresse is a pioneer among feminine hygiene brands in communication based on breaking gender stereotypes. The company promotes inclusivity as well as the female perspective. Problem Libresse has a clear guideline for designers to be recognizable in all the countries where they are present. So we have to follow clear rules: a color palette consisting of 8 branded shades of pink and red, specific logo placement, etc. It is also important to show various female bodies in different situations in communication. This can be difficult because photo stocks usually contain retouched images of women with standard bodily constitution. So we faced two challenges: to refresh the design, taking into account new trends and brand needs, and to diversify the representation of the female body. Solution We improved the visual concept: we kept the recognizable elements that the audience had already loved but took into account new trends and added more dynamics with the help of video content. We are also working with craft animations and static animations introduced in 2023, having updated their look and added watercolors. Implementation In Instagram stories, we refused from monotonous thematic illustrations and refreshed the design with a radial gradient. For the “Truth/Myth” rubric, we switched to the Reels format. We use videophones for design and creative typography for labeling the rubric. To draw attention to product content, we began to place it on a monochromatic background, using simple linear illustrations: thematic elements, flowers, feathers, etc. That made static and animated content more alive. For informative and situational content, we began to use artificial intelligence, integrating it organically into the content. An important step was to update the craft illustrations commonly used in the rubric “Myths about menstruation by our ancestors” as well as in health content. The team added more watercolors and pink to the drawing style. We also sometimes make animated illustrations. The style was based on trendy styles and works by popular artists. Why was it important to update the illustration style? Because subscribers respond much better to this type of content. Thus, the reach of a post with illustrations is on average 9.1%, while a regular one has 2.2%. We also paid more attention to the selection of photos for the content. The women in the images match the appearance of our target audience and look positive. In the texts for our posts and stories, we focused on female health, myth busting, information about the menstrual cycle, and entertaining content on women’s issues. We also added a rubric called “Periods in our ancestors” where we talk about the prejudices about female health in previous generations, which helped us engage the audience and localize the content. Each post engages the audience in discussion through CTA and a friendly tone. Product content is also full of useful information about health, hence perceived natively. Results In January, the average level of engagement was 18.6%, and by December, it had increased to 66.7%, that is, by 3.5 times. Reach also increased significantly: at the beginning of the implementation, the brand’s Instagram page had 292,953, but by December, it had increased to 3,023,377 - 10 times. Posts from the “Periods in our ancestors” rubric also get significantly more likes: a regular post has 1,024 on average, while a post from the new rubric gets 1,877. Same with comments: 28 under a regular post vs. 32 under posts about ancestors. All this suggests that the updated design helped us stay in the trend and not lose touch with the audience.