Casual War
film or sound video
Учасник: Drama Queen Agency
Країна: Україна
Блок/Конкурс/Категорія: C. POSITIVE CHANGE / C03. POSITIVE CHANGE – #StandWithUkraine / C03-01. FILM
Нагорода: Silver
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Aid Legion, Charity Foundation
Рік: 2022
Креативна команда:
Drama Queen Agency: Anna Goncharova - Creative director/ Copywriter Valeriia Semenets - Copywriter TVLAB: Max Zadorozhny - Head of postproduction Alex Troshchylo TV - Postproduction Producer Natalie Vdovichenko - Editor Alina Holuzhenko - Motion Designer Jenna Birmingham - Voice Over Talent Dmitriy Pustovarov - Assistant Editor Anastasia Loginova - Assistant Editor
Креативна ідея:
On February 24th, Russia launched an unprovoked attack against Ukraine, committing what has been declared globally as "war crimes". "Casual war" has been created in the course of the current war in Ukraine and touches upon the common problems applicable to any war in the world. It evokes the problem of people's perception of today's reality. While the Russian invasion is escalating, the World media delivers terrifying photos and videos with pleas to save Ukraine. People around the globe are shocked. For now. "Casual war" evokes the rhetorical question: how quick can we go from "Oh my god, it's war" to total indifference. It reveals an awkward truth. When the first shock fades away, every new war becomes "just another war somewhere far away" for most people from peaceful countries. Then, very soon, people will click "skip ad" and move to other news. So the video urges: "Don't let this war be a casual war." And asks people to donate to Aid Legion, a charitable foundation delivering aid from across the World to Ukraine.