Don't Be Jealous
Учасник: Fabula Rud Pedersen Group
Країна: Литва
Нагорода: Bronze
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Eurojackpot
Рік: 2024
Креативна команда:
Fabula Rud Pedersen Group – creative agency (Full Screen – Production house) FOKO – Photo production Dainius Ščiuka – Photographer Robertas Lenartavičius – Actor
Креативна ідея:
BRIEF EUROJACKPOT, one of the largest lotteries in Lithuania, has started to lose its position. A survey showed that people do not remember its ads, and the previous character choice was not working anymore. People found it difficult to distinguish Eurojackpot from other lotteries. It was lacking attractive and memorable elements and a clear face embodying the lottery. Our task was to reintroduce a new character for EUROJACKPOT communication - a bolder one and more appealing to a younger audience. Key KPIs: Increase the visibility of the campaign to the market average (from 47% to 53%). Raise the communication rating to the market average (from 4.6 to 5.3). CAMPAIGN We created a new character - a mysterious millionaire with a charismatic and fun catchphrase: DON’T BE JEALOUS. Our idea was to create a “real” millionaire who lives beyond TV advertising: his interview also appeared in the most famous lifestyle journal in Lithuania “Žmonės”, we also created a TikTok account for his daily videos about his lifestyle and we have created Tinder account to reach yet another dimension of his reality. RESULTS During the campaign, the TikTok platform videos generated a total of 2.7M views, attracted 13.5K profile followers and the most popular video was viewed more than 335K times (with zero media budget). The interim results of the public survey showed a 25% increase in recall of the campaign. Meanwhile, 33% of all ticket buyers during the campaign period were new buyers, and finally, 63% more tickets were sold to younger audiences (18-24 years old) than usual.