Gadgets see what other don't
Учасник: R Agency
Країна: Україна
Нагорода: Shortlist
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Amnesty International
Рік: 2022
Креативна команда:
R Agency Creative Director – Dima Liutyi Art Director – Kateryna Kotikhina Art Director – Lenya Nakonechnyi Designer – Artur Blihor Designer – Andriy Nechytailo Copywriter – Danil Tertichniy Copywriter – Illya Zhurava Сopywriter — Viktor Synkov Account Director – Maria Ursta Junior Account Manager — Andrii Burakov
Креативна ідея:
Unfortunately, quite often people become the witnesses of domestic violence. Usually most of the witnesses choose not to react. They are afraid to make the situation even worse. The truth is that they don’t know how to act properly. That's why Amnesty International, decided to teach people the right algorithms in cases of domestic violence. What was the solution? We created the interactive platform ‘Gadgets see’ which teaches the right behavior in different situations where you have witnessed violence. The platform simulates an incident. Each of your decisions affects the result. However, even if the choice was wrong, you can read the right algorithm that can save lives. The campaign has 2 main communication channels: stickers and citylights. Citylights show that the gadgets of the victims remain to be the silent witnesses of the violence. Stickers are placed where people mostly witness domestic violence — in the halls of apartment houses. After scanning the QR code, a person will hear muffled screams, as if violence is taking place next door. Then the person will be transferred to the platform website, where the test with the correct algorithm of actions will be launched. That how we transform the gadgets from silent witnesses to effective tools to bare the problem.