Holy Night Shift
film or sound video
Учасник: McCann Worldgroup Germany
Країна: Німеччина
Нагорода: Silver
Рекламодавець/Бренд: ALDI
Рік: 2021
Креативна команда:
McCann Worldgroup Germany, McCann Düsseldorf, CRAFT Germany, Tempomedia, Art Department, Sasha Robertson Casting, nhb studios, Wolfsrudel Music, ACHT Hamburg GmbH, The Film Place Warsawa Götz Ulmer/ Chief Creative Officer McCann Worldgroup Germany Ole Vinck/ Managing Director Creative, McCann Düsseldorf Michel Dold/ Creative Director, McCann Düsseldorf Jörn Lemke/ Senior Art Director, McCann Düsseldorf Ina Warnecke/ Senior Copywriter, McCann Düsseldorf Nele Gerken/ Junior Copywriter, McCann Düsseldorf Kim Dana Goldammer/ Account Director, McCann Düsseldorf Jonathan Helmer/ Head of Production, CRAFT Germany Petra Huesstege/ Agency Producer, CRAFT Germany Sabine Bülow/ Managing Director Client Service, McCann Düsseldorf Christian Bihn/ Managing Director Strategy, McCann Düsseldorf Alexander Kühn/ Director, Tempomedia Alexander Schildt/Executive Producer, Tempomedia Emely Sudhaus/ Producer, Tempomedia Fynn Wulf/ Production Assistant, Tempomedia Mortimer Hochberg/ DOP Lighting Cameraman, Tempomedia Benedikt Lange/ Production Designer, Art Department Sasha Robertson/ Casting Director, Sasha Robertson Casting Peter Jacoby/ Agency Producer, CRAFT Germany Ben Jordan/ Editor Andre Gelhaar, Editor Marina Starke/ Digital Colorist André Weigel/ Head of Sound Department, CRAFT Germany Johannes Roeske/ Sound Editor & Engineer, nhb studios Alexander W.D./ Founder & Composer Wolfsrudel Music
Креативна ідея:
It’s Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. But not for everyone. So, we meet a single father and his teenage son. They have a difficult relationship, mainly based on their economic situation and the son’s puberty. Especially, when the father - who has a system relevant job - must take over the night shift for a dropped-out colleague, leaving his son alone at home on Christmas Eve, full of frustration and anger. But in the end, it is the son who takes a step towards his father, shows understanding and improvises a little Christmas feast for the two of them. This sign of solidarity is the message for everyone: Finally, it's Christmas again. With everything that goes with it. Also reaching out to each other. Cultural / Context information for the jury As Germany's largest food retailer, ALDI ensures the supply of basic goods to millions of people, especially for the working class that keeps our society rolling. ALDI sees themselves as the supplier of the disadvantaged, providing them with everything they need for their lives – in this case a cozy Christmas Eve.