Lullabies with a Ukrainian soul
Учасник: Moko digital
Країна: Україна
Нагорода: Shortlist
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Malyutka
Рік: 2023
Креативна команда:
MOKO digital agency Partners: Hlib Pronenko, Tetiana Mokrenko Client Service Director: Tetiana Malshakova Creative Director: Olha Livik Strategist: Mykyta Deulin Head of the media department: Yaroslav Chesko Head of the Influence Department: Lozka Anna Art Director: Aleksandra Raskosova Creative Copywriter: Alina Ratnykova Designers: Daria Reheta, Mariia Servetnyk Project Manager: Arina Khomenko Malutka's brand team Director of "Khorol Baby Food Factory" LLC: Oleksandr Suchko Chief Operating Officer: Dmitry Dmitriev Sound production team ENKO music, Shche production Singers Kola, MamaRika, Katerina Girman
Креативна ідея:
Lullabies by Malyutka is a project that revives Ukrainian culture for babies and their mothers. russia has been conducting cultural expansion in Ukraine for years, destroying Ukrainians, their language and imposing its cultural narratives. Even after Ukraine gained its independence, cultural intervention continued, and the Ukrainian media space was flooded with Russian content. As a result, Ukrainian culture was considered inferior even among Ukrainians. Since February 24, 2022, Ukrainians have been actively switching to the Ukrainian language. More than 70% of Ukrainians believe that children should be brought up in Ukrainian and introduced to their native culture from an early age, as children are the future of Ukraine. However, despite the high demand, there is a lack of children's content in Ukrainian. Malyutka is the only Ukrainian baby food brand on the market. It gently feeds the future of Ukraine, so it cares not only about nutrition but also about the cultural development and mental health of children. The Malyutka Lullabies project was created for them, because lullabies contain a Ukrainian cultural code that is passed down from generation to generation. Together with folklorists, we found ancient lullabies with authentic Ukrainian characters that have long served as amulets for children. To ensure that our lullabies were beneficial to children's health and psyche, we collaborated with experts: a pediatrician, a speech therapist, and a child psychotherapist. While retaining the main motifs, authentic Ukrainian characters of the kitty, birdy, Sonka dream fairy, and amulet images, we updated the lyrics and music, removed destructive messages, and replaced them with more positive psychological attitudes to meet the needs of modern mothers and babies. The lullabies were recorded with famous Ukrainian singers and published on music platforms where mothers are most often looking for content for children. The result is a playlist of authentic and modern lullabies that mothers can sing to their children to help them sleep well and hear their native Ukrainian language and important cultural messages from previous generations from the first days of life.