Not an extra day in Silpo
Учасник: Strumer Production
Країна: Україна
Блок/Конкурс/Категорія: B. CRAFT/TECHNOLOGY / B01. FILM CRAFT / B01-05. USE OF MUSIC
Нагорода: Shortlist
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Silpo
Рік: 2024
Креативна команда:
Silpo Kateryna Ohuryayeva - Marketing Director Yuliia Zabrovska - Head of Brand Communications Department Lesya Shaturska - Head of Digital Production Department Serhii Smoliakov - Video Production Manager Actors Vasyl Baidak - Customer, Cashier Arkady Fishman - Arkady on the couch Patsany agency Dmytro Yatsyna - Creative Director Sasha Faina - Creative Group Head Yulia Ivakina - Creative Copywriter Yulia Nagorna - Art Director Alina Putsyk - Designer Valentyn Nepomnyashchiy, Kyrylo Andriushchenko - Motion Designer Vira Semenova - Editor @mama_in_the_kit4en - Music Strumer production Mariia Kharchenko - Director Ivan Fomichenko - DOP Vadym Naustinov - Creative copywriter Valentyn Kondratiuk - Executive Producer Mykola Borovyk - Producer Vladyslava Kiselova - Producer’s Assistant Danylo Sikachinskyi - Playback Illia Remizovsky - Focuspuller Uliana Snitko - 1st AD Valeriia Koval - Set designer Ilona Lystopad - Style Alina Adamenko - MUA Oleksandr Pylypenko - Casting Nadiia Shumyilina - BTS Mykhailo Shevyryov - Editor Ihor Roshenets - Motion designer Alina Borshchova - Colourist Creative catering - Catering PATRIOT Rental & STARWAGEN - Technical support
Креативна ідея:
February 29 is a date that happens once every 4 years. It is a kind of miraculous day. Silpo decided to take advantage of the opportunity to create an information occasion and give customers UNLESS discounts. In order to tell the story of a "strange" day, we needed an unconventional solution: the characters, the picture and the musical accompaniment in combination should create a taste of something unconventional in the audience. The idea of the video was the decision to unite the stand-up comedian Vasyl Baydak and the inventor, the hero of television news – Arkady on the couch. In addition, we created a song that stuck in people's heads for a long time. And the director was asked to shoot everything in symmetry to enhance the strangeness and unusualness of the situation. These videos caused a real sensation among viewers and provoked abnormal sales in Silpo. The chosen video implementation strategy helped to convey the idea correctly and reveal the potential of the actors, which, in turn, increased trust and raised the reputation of the Silpo chain of stores.