Proofs For Pets
Учасник: Petverse
Країна: Грузія
Нагорода: Shortlist
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Petverse
Рік: 2024
Креативна команда:
Client: Petverse CEO: Levan Chanturia Social media manager: Elene Mamageishvili Logistics manager: Akaki Kukania Warehouse manager: Giorgi Gelashvili Team of creative freelancers: Creative director: Lasha D. Kotori, Giorgi Kvitatiani Art director: Nutsa Kakulia Copywriter: Alex Ruadze Legal and investigative consultant: Goga Razmadze Video operator: Kako Gurgenishvili, Giorgi Kikvadze VO: Mebo Nutsubidze Editing & Motion: Lasha Imnadze Music & Sound Design: Heima Productions Special thanks to East Point and Nikusha Lebana for their support!
Креативна ідея:
In Georgia, Cases of animal abuse skyrocketed by 35% in 2023, surpassing previous years' records. The reason for the true tragedy lies in societal indifference because most of society fails to acknowledge animal abuse as a crime. In a society where indifference is normalized, no one is willing to change people's perceptions or stand for animal rights; from the shadows, Petverse emerged—a newborn brand armed with treats, toys, and a dedication to proving the truth about animal abuse to Georgian people. Therefore, Petverse presents Proofs for Pets: We took it upon ourselves to investigate 12 cases of animal abuse from the past 6 months in our country, and for each of these cases, we found 12 pieces of evidence with victims that most of our society had never seen or heard of. Then we unveiled everything to them in our country's largest mall, urging them to face the truth. As expected, The truth showcased the true nature of humankind because when they saw the proofs and the victims and heard the stories, some broke down; some were shocked or ashamed. However, we did not expect that showcasing what we did on the internet would gain so much attention, sparking widespread discussion nationwide and flooding traffic to our website. Of course, Before accessing our page, visitors were required to acknowledge our Terms & Conditions, affirming that animal abuse is a crime and utterly unacceptable. Otherwise, the page remained inaccessible. And, of course, as our campaign drew to a close, we spotlighted those remarkable individuals who, like Petverse, opened their hearts and homes to abused animals. Their acts of kindness gave these animals new families, nourishment, and joy, a powerful reminder that change begins with each of us. In conclusion, we have numerous proofs of our campaigns success too: Social discussion started reaching 80% of Georgian Population All Georgian pet influencers and big groups supported us. Brand awareness raised by 400% Our website traffic increased by 120% More than 30+ new cases were found in the comments, and all of them were delivered to Special Departments.