film or sound video
Учасник: Drama Queen Agency
Країна: Україна
Нагорода: Bronze
Рекламодавець/Бренд: Better Me
Рік: 2021
Креативна команда:
Drama Queen Agency: Anna Goncharova - Creative director/ Copywriter Nastya Sherepitko - Copywriter Anastasia Havryliuk - Service Director TVLAB: Oleksandr Khmyrov - Executive Producer Max Zadorozhny - Head of postproduction Ben Brand - Director Lena Chekhovskaya - DOP Yana Teranis - Producer Nastya Feschuk - Post Production Producer
Креативна ідея:
“VowToMyself” turns the well-known cliché of the marriage vow into a manifesto of self-acceptance. Exchanging the vows with our significant others is deeply rooted in our traditions and culture. We eagerly promise to love and honor one another forever. But what if we make such a “vow” to ourselves? VowToMyself” is a film about a girl on her way to a better version of herself. In the beginning, we see her sitting in the locker room, looking nervously at the keyring in her hand. We hear her inner monologue that sounds at first like a traditional marriage vow but then turns to achieve a completely different meaning - becoming not a devotion to the other, but a girl’s vow to herself. We start going through different scenes of her recent life — both funny and serious, bitter and sweet situations that happen to every regular human on the way to wellness and self-approval. And in the end, we return to the first scene and feel the journey she has made. Finally, with newly gained acceptance, she puts the keyring on her finger as if it’s a wedding ring, looks in the mirror, and smiles at herself.