l'appeal album
Entrant: proof.
Country: Bulgaria
Award: Shortlist
Advertiser/Brand: Mineral Water Velingrad/ Tymbark Bulgaria
Year: 2023
Creative Team:
creative agency proof.: Angel Iskrev - creative director Emanuela Belovarski - head of art Bozhidar Ivanov - graphic designer Asya Maradzhiyska - copywriter Luybomir Kashilski - account manager ambient artist - Angel Simitchiev
Creative idea:
87 species in the Rhodope Mountains are on the verge of extinction. for people, this sounds like just another headline. the animals do have a voice. people just don’t know how to hear it. idea that’s how l’appeal was born. we used sounds from the mountain and turned them into an ambient album, helping the endangered species get their voice back. the universal language of music made the connection between wildlife and all the city-dwellers out there. we commissioned ambient artist angel simitchiev to collect these sounds and mix them in an 8-track album featuring some of the most vulnerable creatures in the rhodopes. the album launch was supported by a website detailing the issue and providing relevant resources. each time the album was streamed, a set sum of money was transferred from velingrad to rewilding rhodopes — an organization dedicated to restoring and maintaining the ecological balance in the region. 38 mainstream media appearances reaching its target streams within a week. over 70 000 streams and counting across 23 countries 70 000 BGN donated and counting used to bring back fourteen vultures into the wild