Entrant: Postmen
Country: Ukraine
Section/Contest/Category: D. CLIENT`S VIEW / D01. FILM, RADIO & AUDIO / D01-09. NON-PROFIT/CHARITY
Award: Silver
Advertiser/Brand: PrivatBank
Year: 2024
Creative Team:
Director - Olga Mykhalets, Postmen Creative Producer – Olga Mykhalets, Postmen DOP - Ilya Rieznikov, Postmen Рroduction Мanager - Olga Kramarenko, Postmen Editor - Yegor Kadomtsev, Postmen Sound Designer - Igor Bondarenko, Postmen Colour - Ilya Rieznikov, Postmen Art Director - Nastia Andreeva MUA - Tina Antonenko Gaffer - Tymofii Gerashchenko 1AC & Focus puller - Ivan Seliuk Art Director– Ira Pavlova, Postmen Copywriter – Daria Tarasevych, Postmen Creative Director - Anna Seniuk, Postmen Account Manager - Vlad Vorokh, Postmen
Creative idea:
Thousands of people in Ukraine have suffered complex war-related injuries. And if society is slowly getting used to people with amputated limbs and prostheses, disfigured faces cause a difficult mixture of feelings - sympathy, disgust and shame. A person with a damaged face literally wants to hide it, both from themselves and from others. They need time and money to restore their faces. The surgeries and then rehabilitation are very expensive and there are 50000 injured Ukrainians, with over 8000 people who have already registered and are on the waiting list. PrivatBank, Mastercard and Superhumans Centre launched a fundraiser to collect money to help them. To highlight the problem and communicate the fundraiser, we released a promo video “Faces of humanity: Close collection. Open a person” The idea was to show a person, without revealing their face. In the video we show Valentyna, a baker from Severodonetsk, who survived a missile strike, but was severely injured. By showcasing her work with dough and allowing her to share her story, the video effectively communicates the importance of supporting individuals like Valentyna in their journey towards recovery and rehabilitation.