Entries will need to demonstrate exceptional filmmaking. That is, work in which technical skill and prowess in production/post-production elevates an idea or dramatically enhances its execution. Includes various techniques and craft/skills used in the execution of film content.
The main criteria: execution.
Mandatory files: film 180 seconds max.
Optional files: case film/demo film (or `making of`) 120 seconds max, URL (webpage which explains your work).
Entries should demonstrate the highest levels of expertise and vision in the application of creative techniques.
The main criteria: execution.
Mandatory files: main image (execution or presentation image).
Optional files: additional image, case film / demo film (120 seconds max), URL (content or presentation webpage).
Entries should demonstrate the highest levels of expertise and vision in the application of creative techniques.
The main criteria: execution.
Mandatory files: main image (execution or presentation image).
Optional files: additional image, case film / demo film (120 seconds max), URL (content or presentation webpage).
Entries includes technique and craft/skills used in the production or execution of audio/radio content. Includes original, licensed, and adapted music as well as sound in other work utilizing audio as a key component of its creative.
The main criteria: execution.
Mandatory files: sound video 180 seconds max.
Optional files: case film/demo film (or `making of`) 120 seconds max, URL (webpage which explains your work).
Entries includes technique and craft/skills used in the execution of design materials.
The main criteria: execution.
Mandatory files: main image (execution or presentation image). Case film/demo film (120 seconds max) is required for category B05-06 ANIMATION.
Optional files: additional image, case film/demo film (120 seconds max), URL (content or presentation webpage).
Entries in this medium include technique and craft/skills used in the execution of digital content. The entries will need to demonstrate exceptional form and function in a digital context. It should have a flawless design and masterful execution and offer an outstanding user experience created for all digital environments that moves a brand forward.
The main criteria: execution and experience.
Mandatory files: main image (execution image or presentation board), case film/demo film (120 seconds max). URL (content or presentation webpage) is required for categories B06-01 INTERFACE & NAVIGATION (UX/UI), B06-02 ART DIRECTION/GRAPHIC DESIGN, B06-03 ILLUSTRATION & IMAGE DESIGN, B06-04 TYPOGRAPHY, B06-05 COPYWRITING, and case film/demo film is optional file for these categories.
Optional files: additional image, film or sound video, awards show film, URL (content or presentation webpage).
Entries in these categories should demonstrate the integral role of media execution, technologies, data, targeting etc. and outstanding craftsmanship in harnessing media to deliver a brand message, change behaviour or engage consumers at scale.
The main criteria: media strategy, media execution, impact and results.
Mandatory files: main image (presentation image), case film/demo film (120 seconds max).
Optional files: additional image, film or sound video, URL (content or presentation webpage).
Entries should demonstrate technique and craft/skills used in the execution of branded content.
The main criteria: craft and execution.
Mandatory files: main image (presentation image), case film/demo film (120 seconds max).
Optional files: additional image, film or sound video, URL (content or presentation webpage).
Entries should demonstrate the excellence of brand experience and/or the technologies and techniques involved.
Основні критерії: рівень виконання та досвід взаємодії.
Mandatory files: main image (presentation image), case film/demo film (120 seconds max).
Optional files: additional image, film or sound video, URL (content or presentation webpage).
Work in these categories will be judged on the demonstration of exceptional and creative best practice and craft within the chosen PR specialism, and/or the technologies and techniques involved.
The main criteria: strategy, execution, impact and results.
Mandatory files: main image (presentation image), case film/demo film (120 seconds max).
Optional files: additional image, film or sound video, URL (content or presentation webpage).
Entries should demonstrate excellence in targeted communications and/or the technologies and techniques involved.
The main criteria: strategy, execution, impact and results.
Mandatory files: main image (presentation image), case film/demo film (120 seconds max).
Optional files: additional image, film or sound video, URL (content or presentation webpage).